What’s happening in Year 1/2 Lienert?
Welcome into the learning of year 1/2 Lienert for the beginning of term 3.
This term in Mind Up we have been focusing on our brain and coming up with special ways to help us remember what each part does. We know that the Amygdala is like our security guard and reacts to keep us safe, that our Pre Fontal Cortex helps us to remember maths questions and that our Hippocampus is our memory bank which stores our memories. We have been busy creating super brains and we had to make up a name for our brain part to do with the action it does.
We have also been talking about how we can be mindful of ourselves and other people. We have come up with lots of ideas and we have a mindful goal every week to help us be mindful at school.
In maths we have been learning about money. We have been working with 1/2 Drum to create shops using the things we have learnt. Our opening day is on Friday 17 and we are very excited to sell what we have created!
Miss Lienert and the Year 1/2s