From the APRIM
Yesterday, at their liturgy the Year 3 class shared some of their thoughts about Jesus healing a blind man called Bartimaeus. It is interesting to note that Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus was a beggar. He would have been seen as the lowest of the low and yet, his story was chosen by the writer of the gospel of Mark to be included. Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me!” Bartimaeus who could not see Jesus did in fact ‘see’ him as the Messiah. His faith allowed him to see what others with actual sight could not.
How often did your Mum or Dad say to you, “It’s right in front of you!” or “It’s staring you in the face.” How good are you at finding Wally in the ‘Where’s Wally’ books?? I have never been able to match the speed of students. How often do we not ‘see’ the goodness of people because we are so often focussed on the negatives. Yesterday, I told the students that I see the face of God in students and staff all the time. Here are just a few that have happened over the past week:
- Year 3 students helping Early Years students get boxes out of the huge bin in Making Club
- A Reception student asking someone to play, after seeing her upset
- Someone holding open the door for another who was carrying a large box
- A student helping to open a lunch box
- Students including others in their games
- Showing friends how to use a particular program on the computer
As today is World Teachers Day, let’s not forget our staff! They do many things that go unnoticed by the community:
- Give up their lunch time to work with students in the garden
- Spend time in the evening finding new programs to interest students
- Follow up student concerns on their days off
- Make new games and cover books with contact
- Attend meetings after school to organise different and exciting learning experiences
- Lie in bed making new plans in their head to help a student include themselves in a game with friends
- Travel around all the shops to find just the right toy, cushion, craft item or prize at just the right price!
When we look, we too can see.
Bartimaeus was healed because he had faith. Once his sight was restored, he continued to ‘see’ Jesus, as Mark says that he followed Jesus along the road.
Most of us are lucky that we can see. With faith, we can see Jesus in others. We can see the world as God would like it to be. It is up to us “to make it so.”
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission