Laptops and Back to School
With school starting on Tuesday there are a few things that you can do to make 2019 a smooth start to the year when it comes to your child’s laptop (Year 3 to 7 students). The following are just some helpful hints or reminders.
- Ensure that your laptop is fully charged. It is also important to check that it is fully charged by turning on the laptop and checking the battery percentage. Sometimes you might think it is charging but the charger cord might be loose or someone has inadvertently turned the powerpoint off or swapped their charger for your own.
- Delete any unnecessary files on your hard drive to free up space for this year. If you are unsure about deleting certain files, back them up to Google Drive or One Drive first using your school accounts and then delete them from your drive.
- Give your laptop a clean. I find using glass cleaner the best, but please don’t spray any liquid directly onto your laptop. Spray the cleaner onto a cloth, making it damp and then clean your laptop.
- Ensure that your laptop, charger and laptop case are labelled clearly with your name.
For all students with new laptops for 2019, they will need to do the following….
- All Year 3 students need to bring their laptops and chargers to school on Tuesday and keep them on their desks. I will collect them from the students to then setup.
- All students from Years 4 to 7 with new laptops can bring their laptops down to the Teacher Resource room in the St. Joseph building from 8:45 am.
Scott Baldock
ICT Coordinator