Campus wins inaugural Makers Empire Awards in three categories.
At Nativity we have been using Makers Empire (3D design software used to create designs for 3D printing) for several years. In 2018 our Leader of Campus Library and Information Services Hajnalka Molloy introduced Makers Empire across Campus, providing professional development for Campus teachers. This facilitated the increased use of this great learning tool across Campus.
Last week we received the exciting news that the Campus had won three awards in the inaugural Makers Empire Awards for 2018. The Aberfoyle Park Primary School Campus was the winner in the following categories.
Winner: Most designs created by a school
Winner: Greatest usage by a school
Winner: Most challenges completed by the school
The new Makers Empire Awards are designed to celebrate and showcase the students, teachers, classes and schools that make up our global education community.
The skills and attitudes students are demonstrating as designers are very important and will help them to be successful in the future. They’ll be able to identify problems, visualise solutions and design new and improved ways of doing things. The world needs people like this who can think outside the square and create innovative new ideas. Every child on Campus has access to this program, which they can also use from home.
We also were visited by the Makers Empire team, who came to tour the Campus. This included a visit to our Year 4 class where the students showed the Makers Empire Team how they were using the software.
Scott Baldock
ICT Coordinator