From The Aprim
Dear Families,
We are well and truly in Lent now!
Today we had a special assembly with classes sharing their own ideas and insights into how our school values connect us with our family, school community, the local community and the global community through the work of Caritas’ Project Compassion.
We are continuing to build those connections by joining in Simple Living Day this coming Wednesday. 87 of our students are having a plain roll and water for lunch as a means of being in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world who survive on even less. Some of us may even experience what it feels like to be really hungry by the time we get home.
Today, we prayed together:
Creator God, You are our constant hope!
In the season of Lent, you call us to prayer, fasting and love of those most marginalised.
As a community of faith and courage,
let our gifts to Project Compassion be symbols of hope and solidarity
with our one human family.
Accompany us as we journey with Jesus to bring ‘good news’ to all creation
and ready our hearts to work for the common good of all your people.
We ask this in Jesus’ name
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission