From the Principal
What a way to finish a school term with Sports Day, that was held in very trying conditions, and all the events of Holy Week this week.
Congratulations to Murray House for winning the Team Spirit Award and Championship Shields on Sports Day and to all the students for the manner in which they participated on the day. A big thank you goes to our Campus PE teachers, Ben Searle and Renee Sawyer and our Campus Administrator, Bianca Henderson, for all their organisation of such a successful student event.
Thank you to the community for supporting Project Compassion during Lent. Over $1150 has been raised through the classroom Project Compassion Boxes, the Carnivale Day and Shrove Tuesday. The money will be donated to Caritas Australia to support Catholic charities.
Staffing Changes for Term 2
Our APRIM, Sharyn Black is on Long Service Leave for all of Term 2. May she enjoy a term of rest and safe travel. I am waiting ratification from the Catholic Education Office before officially announcing Sharyn’s replacement in the Religious Education leadership role. Stay tuned! Georgina Rowe who shares the Year1/2 class with Sharyn is increasing her time to be the full-time classroom teacher.
Anna Charlesworth, our Year 4 teacher, has started her maternity leave. Aneta Bestecki has been appointed to replace Anna. On behalf of the school community, I wish Anna and Charlie all the best for a safe and healthy birth of their third child.
In Weeks 2-4 of term 2, Lisa Cannizzaro is taking leave to perform in a State Opera Touring production. Angela Pike is replacing Lisa in her 0.2 FTE Middle School role during that time.
Ben Searle is taking Long Service Leave in the last four weeks of term 2 to venture overseas on his honeymoon. Ben is getting married during these school holidays. Best wishes to Ben and Lauren.
Important Dates for the Beginning of Term 2
Week 1 Learning Conversations
New Parents Dinner Friday May 3rd
Week 2 Mothers Day Breakfast and Stall Friday May 10th
Week 3 NAPLAN Year 3, 5 & 7
Dads and Kids Sleepover- Friday May 17th
Winter Sport begins
Week 4 Rec- Year 5 Swimming Week.
I trust you all enjoy a very blessed Easter with family and friends.
Kind regards
Greg Haynes