From the Principal
Welcome back to a new school term with a special welcome to;
1) Mrs Stephanie Crowe who is replacing Sharyn Black whilst she is on long service leave. Stephanie is stepping into the role of Acting Religious Education Coordinator and will be here on Thursdays and Fridays for the term. Stephanie has posted a personal profile for further information. Please take the opportunity to introduce yourself and welcome her to Nativity. Georgina Rowe is working fulltime this term to replace Sharyn in the classroom.
2) Mrs Aneta Bestecki who has replaced Anna Charlesworth as the Year 4 classroom teacher.
3) The Clarke family who have move from Melbourne during the holiday break. Hamish is a new Year 1 student in the Year 1/ 2 class.
The term has started with a rush with the New Parent Dinner held last Friday evening and the Mothers Day Breakfast and Mothers Day Stall held today. Many thanks to the parents who organised and helped with these Nativity CRIB events with a special mention to Melinda Sporowicz and Rachael Frost for leading these events. Next Friday Night is the Dads and Kids and Sleep Out on Friday Night which promises to be another fun night. More information will follow at the beginning of next week.
Next week the Year 3, 5 & Year 7 students are a part of NAPLAN Testing. A letter was sent home to the parents whose children will be involved, outlining some important tips in preparation for the tests. This is the first time for our students to complete the test online instead of the standard paper tests. It’s the Term Time Swimming Programme for students in Reception to Year 5 in the following week so please return the consent forms as soon as possible.
I trust the learning conversations held in the last week of term 1 and this term have been valuable for parents and students to be informed about learning progress and identifying future goals for learning success. The next step in the reporting process is the mid Year report which is scheduled to be sent home to parents on the Monday in the last week of term, a date that will be upon us sooner than we hope.
It is almost impossible not know there is federal election being held on Saturday May 18th (There is polling booth here on Campus). The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) has asked the major political parties to respond to specific questions regarding Catholic education.
Please go to the Catholic Education South Australia website to:
• Explore the Federal Election Party Promises
• Explore other resources
To find out more go to:
With everything that is on the agenda, I would still like to acknowledge the Easter Season is still here until Pentecost ( Sunday 9 June of the 6th Sunday of Easter) . My Parish Priest in his tradition said, “Jesus is Risen” instead of Happy Easter. The response in turn is, “Jesus is truly Risen. “
Happy Easter to the Nativity community and I trust all mothers enjoy Mothers Day on Sunday.
Kind Regards
Greg Haynes