What’s happening in Performing Arts
We have a number of events coming up in our Performing Arts calendar over the next few weeks – please diarise any that involve your child:
On Wednesday November 27th (Week 7) the Campus Drama Club, led by Lauren Hood, will be having two performances of its play “Kandor to Planet E”. Family and friends of students involved are welcome to attend the 12.30pm performance in the Performing Arts Centre.
To celebrate the end of a successful year, the Campus Choir will be performing at Estia Health retirement village at Campus Drive Aberfoyle Park on Wednesday morning, 4th December (Week 8). Notices will be sent home with Campus Choir students at our rehearsal in Week 7, and will be due back to the Campus Office by that Friday – please keep an eye out for them. We are looking for parent helpers on the day so if you have police clearance and are available, please let us know when you return your permission slip for your child – please also be prompt to return your permission slips, as students whom we do not have permission for will not be able to attend and this is a much-loved event!
The Campus Choir and Campus Band will be performing a couple of songs at our final Campus Assembly for the year – this will be held in the Gymnasium on Thursday December 5th (Week 8) at 1.30pm and interested parents are welcome to attend.
Finally, and by far not least, we have our Nativity Carols Night on the final Thursday evening of the school year. This is a fantastic opportunity to come together as a community and celebrate, please mark it in your calendars and stay tuned for more information which will be coming out shortly!