School of the Nativity Award Winners for 2019
At our Graduation and Thanksgiving End of Year Mass tonight, we presented the Rotary, St Joseph and St Mary MacKillop awards.
The Rotary award for community service was awarded to Kayleigh K and Diesel R.

The St Joseph Medal is presented to one student from each class who exemplifies the words and actions of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop:
‘In all things love’
‘Do what you can with the means at your disposal and leave all the rest calmly to God.’
Each worthy recipient has:
- Put Jesus’ message into action in their relationships with others
- Respected others and their opinions
- Has fostered a sense of belonging with friends and new students
- Shown sympathy and concern for others
- A strong sense of social justice
- Actively involved themselves in social justice programs this year
- Been courageous in their attitude to their learning
The Award winners were:
Evie C, Lauryn K, Isaac F, Jenae, R, Jessica O, Jai W, Cora E and Bryce M

St Mary MacKillop award acknowledges a student who has upheld our school values of:
- Belonging – in making others feel welcome
- Compassion – have shown empathy for others
- Gratitude – have shown gratitude for the people and opportunities offered in our school community
- Forgiveness – have been able to forgive and leave problems in the past
- Courage – have shown courage, resilience and have been willing to speak out when something needs to be said
- Justice – When they have seen a need or injustice, they have done something about it.
This award is based on their actions and attitudes throughout their time at Nativity, not just this year.
Our St Mary Mackillop Award went to Erin S.
Congratulations to all our award winners for 2019.