From the Principal
Dear Families
Looking at the important events listed below, it doesn’t take long for a new school year to swing into action after a steady transition for the first 2 weeks of the term. Today, we held our Opening Mass where the staff were commissioned into their roles. Two words were regularly used in the commissioning, that reflect our responsibilities as staff members here at Nativity- service and ministry. As a staff, we are committed to the ideals that promote our school values and mission as a Catholic school to be the difference for the students.
Our student leadership teams- (SLT, Social Justice and Campus SLT ) are to be inducted into their roles at Friday’s assembly. The leadership roles give the students a voice to make things better for our school and Campus and enable them to develop their leadership and communication skills. I certainly look forward to hearing their input. Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly.
Upcoming Important Events
1) Year 3-7 Sports Day Trials – Friday February 14th
Students participating are to wear their sports uniform. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to assist. If you have some time between 12.00 pm and 2.30pm you are welcome to come along to help.
2) Student leadership Commissioning Assembly- Friday February 14th 9.00am
3) Annual General Meeting and Year 1-5 Parent Information sessions – Tuesday February 18th
A letter has already been sent out to families with all the details. The AGM starts at 6.15pm in the PAC followed by the 2 half hour sessions beginning at 6.45pm.
A REQUEST – We have received one nomination for the School Board. There are 2 further positions to be filled. If you are interested or would like further information, please contact me before Tuesday’s meeting. (
4) 400/800m championship races that contribute to Sports Day are being held on Friday February 21st. Parents and families are most welcome to come along to cheer their child/ren on.
5) Student Casual Day to raise funds for the Kangaroo island bushfires is on Friday February 21st. Students are requested to bring a gold coin donation. In invitation is extended families to make a further donation.
6) Sport House Captain Voting- Thursday February 20th. This involves the Year 3 to 7 students across Campus.
7) Catholic School Carnival Swimming Trials – Thursday February 20th.
8) Parish 40th Anniversary Mass is being held on Sunday February 23rd at 9.00 am followed by a morning tea under the Nativity shelter. An invitation has been sent home to families to join with the Parish to celebrate the milestone. I hope to see a strong representation from school families.
9) Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday – February 25th and Ash Wednesday (beginning of lent) February 26th. Thank you to the many parents who have offered to make the pancakes. There is a whole school Mass for Ash Wednesday at 9.15am.
10) Campus Sports Day- Friday March 6th. This is earlier than usual due to a very crowded calendar toward the end of the term.
This week you may have noticed 2 new staff faces. They are Paul Robinson and Alicia Symonds who are working as Education Support Officers whilst Susan McCarl and Mandy March are on Long Service Leave until the end of Week 5.
Kind regards
Greg Haynes