From the APRIM
Dear Families,
This week is the beginning of a busy time in the Church. Today, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, the last day before Lent. In times gone by, people would go to confession and receive absolution for their sins and were ‘shriven’ before the start of Lent.
Lent is the Christian season of repentance as we prepare for Easter. We can use this time to reflect on our lives, doing a little ‘spring-cleaning’ of the heart.
During the Ash Wednesday Mass, we are signed on the forehead with ashes from the burned palms from Palm Sunday last year. This is a sign of repentance and humility. During Lent, we fast, going without something to remind us that all we have, is given to us by God. We pray, a time for renewing our relationship with God. We give alms (money) to help those in need, both here in Australia and around the world. Our school supports Caritas through their initiative called Project Compassion. Caritas helps the most vulnerable and marginalised children, women and men, raising funds to break the cycle of poverty and injustice.
If you would like to know more, the following Youtube clip gives a concise explanation of Lent.
Caritas’ website will give you more information about their work. Look for the words ‘Project Compassion’ in the top right corner Caritas Project Compassion
Our thanks go to Ari Torresan (co-ordinator) and her large group of helpers: Josh Sporowicz, Veronica cowling. Bec Thomas, Vicky Flanegan, Kylie Osborn, Bianca Cotton, Bonnie Westover, Melinda Sporowicz, Shanna Sheldrick, Michelle Dahlenburg, Kylie Bullen and Belinda Whitting.
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission