From the Principal
Over the past two weeks the students have been involved in the Campus Sports Day and the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival.
Both events were extremely successful with very happy participants. I would like to acknowledge:
1. Yorke House for winning both the Spirit and Championship Shields
2. All the students who participated enthusiastically in all events
3. The PE staff, Renee Sawyer and John Mazey and the Sport Administrator, Bianca Henderson for their organisation of the events.
4. Year 4’s who won their section of the carnival, Nativity came third overall. Jessica O in Year 4 won the age champion medal and set a new record for her 25m backstroke event.
5. The House Captains who demonstrated their emerging leadership skills at Sports Day
6. Noah L who was the Year 6 age champion on Sports Day
7. The many parents who assisted in the lead up to and on Sports Day and the Swimming Carnival.
As two events pass a new event is on our doorstep. Next Friday, 20 March, is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. We have registered as a school to be involved to promote ourselves as a safe place for children. Sally Paparella, our Well Being Co-ordinator, has planned a series of events next week that includes:
1. Highlight to the community what bullying is and isn’t
2. Promote the importance of working together to take a stand against bullying and violence
3. Reinforce to the community the Bullying, No Way theme through the revision of the Anti-Bullying Policy.
Please look for the information coming home via email and the display of student work to reflect their understanding and commitment to work together to say no to bullying and violence.
Kind regards
Greg Haynes