From the Principal
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a different looking Term 2 with Remote Learning for the first week of the term.
I must compliment the staff, the parents and the students for the flexibility and willingness to be adaptable during the changing nature of the pandemic
One email I have received and would to like share with you summarises the gratitude coming from parents to acknowledge the work undertaken by the teachers;
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of the work that you have both put in over the holidays. I can imagine it has been very stressful and difficult and I can certainly see how much work you have done. So I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks so much. It’s very much appreciated and I want you to know that we feel for you all so much at the moment!!
As the email captures, there has been a considerable amount of work undertaken by all the staff to provide the best learning opportunities in the conditions that have prevailed. Students and parents have been most supportive which is a great reflection of the Nativity community and our motto- “Families – Living, Loving, Learning”.
The conditions have now changed. The Chief Medical Officer and the Premier of South Australia have declared that schools are safe and students can return to school. As from this Monday May 4th, I am encouraging students to return to school. Remote Learning will cease and teachers will be teaching face to face to students. If parents are still wanting to keep children home for appropriate reasons this is your right to do so. Please let your child’s teacher know if this is your intention. Some learning activities will be provided but the main mode of teaching will be face to face.
Some important reminders;
1) Learning Conversations – please book your time online via the booking system for the phone conversation (details are available on the website).
2) Pick and Drop offs- this has worked extremely well and thank you for your assistance. With all the students returning next week, traffic will increase so please be patient.
I would recommend, if at all possible. to delay the pickup time to 3.20-3.30pm to avoid the congestion. Parents and carers are asked not to come to the classrooms until further
notice. This is a directive from the Health authority to minimise social contact between adults.
3) Mothers Day Stall- this is going ahead. Cate in the front office will email the parents who have volunteered to help on the stall with the necessary
information. The only change is the stall will be located in the PAC on Friday May 8th to meet the requirement of one adult for every 4 square metres.
4) Sickness- if your child is displaying any illness symptoms they must remain home and please seek medical advice.
Thank you once again for your cooperation.
Kind regards
Greg Haynes