From the APRIM
Dear Families
Welcome back to Term 2 and the almost ‘new normal’. Despite all the challenges of social distancing, I hope you found time to enjoy being with your loved ones.
It was certainly a different Easter this year with no face-to-face celebrations. We have been fortunate in the number of Masses, both here in Australia and around the world that have been available online for our benefit. The Nativity parish have continued to add the Sunday readings, reflections from Father Santiago, prayers and useful information on their new website We extend our grateful thanks to Ron Mazzachi who has been instrumental in getting the website up and running.
Facebook does like to remind us of events that have happened in our life one, two, five or ten years ago. This week a photo of my husband Mark, and me sitting on a Qatar plane about to head off to England, appeared. That was just one year ago! How lucky were we, as another overseas adventure won’t be happening for quite some time? The enforced isolation has given me a different perspective on life:
1. Cleaning the house has to be done, lack of time has not been the problem!
2. I love knitting but not assembling. I have 70 teddy bears and 1 jumper to sew up.
3. I touch my face far too often.
4. Hugs from children and grandchildren are important.
5. Having a work-life balance is important but how grateful I am to be able to go to work, to a job that I enjoy.
6. How blessed we are to have so much fresh produce available to us. There was never a shortage of food.
7. Sunrises are beautiful. Before the lockdown, I would have noticed it but would I have bothered to take a photo to share with others?
8. Being grateful is important.
9. Being kind is even more so. So thank you to Alannah, Brooke, Chloe, Zac and Bianca for checking up on us over Easter.
I have read of so many acts of kindness during this lockdown, let’s hope that the kindness continues afterwards when we return to the ‘new normal’. Many things have been cancelled because of Covid-19.
Love and kindness do not have to be two of them.
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission