What is happening in Reception BB?
In Reception BB our focus for our class inquiry this term is around one of our school values – Gratitude.
We have been exploring what being grateful means and what we are grateful for.
We have been discussing how we can show we are grateful by saying thank you or doing acts of thanks to others.
During Catholic Education Week, we celebrated a very special class Liturgy which focused on saying thank you to God. We read a story from the bible where Jesus teaches us about how it is important to say thank you. We made our own thank you prayer ties and hung them in the trees and on the fence in our playground area as an act of saying thank you to God.
Here are some of our ideas so far about gratitude:
What does ‘grateful’ mean?
Isak – It means if you do something grateful.
Matilda – Be nice to people.
Summer – Is something that you are grateful for like a toy.
Lily – Grateful means you share.
Bob – Grateful means somebody has something you want it.
What are we grateful for?
Bob – My Mum.
Chloe – I’m grateful for Alia bringing back her scissors back to school.
Alia – I’m grateful for Sienna bringing back her glue.
Summer – I’m grateful for my friends.
Scarlett – I’m grateful for Bob playing with me.
Sonny – I’m grateful that I have a jacket.
Harry – I’m grateful for my friends.
Zorawar – My sister giving her lollipop to me.
Cristian – I’m grateful for Zorawar and Isak.
Eli- I’m grateful for grass.
Sienna – I’m grateful for my brother being nice to me