From the Principal
Dear Parents
I am pleased to report an update of events now the restrictions are starting to lift.
1) The SAPSASSA Cross Country Carnival that was cancelled has been restructured to happen here on Campus in Week 6 (2 weeks from now). Renee Sawyer, our Campus Sport Coordinator, is organising for the event to happen for the three schools here an Campus. Further details will be sent to those who had nominated to participate.
2) The Canberra Trip has been rebooked for Week 4 in Term 4. We hope the border restrictions have been lifted so the trip goes ahead. Many thanks to Deb Kelley for organising this in such a short time frame. If we are unable to go, the current Year 6 students staying as year 7s will be invited to participate in 2021. An actual contingency time has yet to be set.
3) The Little Stars Information Evening – the audience is the parents of children who are enrolled as receptions starting at Nativity, Term 1 2021. The Little Stars Programme is going ahead on the Fridays in Term 3 and Term 4 as scheduled. At this stage we are waiting to hear about the second phase of restrictions being lifted on June 8th.
4) Campus Sport is not far away. We are hoping for a nine-game season to begin toward the end of term 2 and finish at the end of term 3. More information to follow on this.
5) The Kids and Dad’s Sleepout has been tentatively shifted to the start of term 4. A date is to be confirmed with further details to follow.
6) We are discussing what will happen with the Campus Instrumental Night and the Showcase that at is normally held in Term 3. More to follow on this one.
7) Year 3 Zoo Snooze is scheduled for Week 1 term 3. At this stage we have been instructed that school excursions and camps cannot happen at this stage. We will decide on this in the lead up to June 8.
8) The Principal Tours for Tuesday May 26th and Saturday May 30th are proceeding as per signage in the community. I would encourage current families to encourage friends, neighbours or relatives who maybe considering Nativity as a schooling option to book in for tour.
9) A letter will be sent to all Campus families regarding the water damage to the Campus Library after the storm on Wednesday. The Library will be closed next week as we sort through a contingency plan and address the most immediate concerns around the damage which is quite extensive. We have lost a large amount of the reference section, the carpet needs to be replaced and there is damage to lighting and the ceiling in the main area of the building. Pardon the pun, but when it rains and can really pour!!! In other words , we don’t really need to be dealing with this on top of everything else!
10) There is a new event happening on Monday where the new Archbishop for the Adelaide Archdiocese, Bishop Patrick O’Regan, is being installed into the role next Monday, May 25th at 10.30 am. The ceremony is being live streamed as there is a restricted audience of 30 people. This is a very significant event for us. An invitation is extended through this link for further details. The teachers will involve the students in this event though a discussion, watching the relevant part of the ceremony via the live stream or a teaching component. An appointment of a new Archbishop doesn’t happen very often, the last one was 20 years ago with Archbishop Wilson and was held at the Entertainment Centre with approximately 10,000 people attending.
The live stream can be accessed via, Facebook or the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel.
Kind regards
Greg Haynes