From the APRIM
Dear Families,
As the government eases restrictions, the Archdiocese’s regulations change too. People are beginning to be allowed to attend Mass, as well as more people being allowed to attend funerals and weddings. The Parish Pastoral Council are discussing these implications at their next meeting to decide how this will look for our parish. We will keep you informed.
On Monday, we welcomed Bishop Patrick O’Regan to Adelaide as the ninth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Adelaide. He was installed on the Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians who is also the patron saint of Australia. Despite the necessary restrictions, more people than usual were able to witness the celebration through live streaming and Youtube. We saw the newly-appointed archbishop knock on the door of the cathedral with his crozier to be admitted, to be installed and then re-enter dressed as the Archbishop of Adelaide.
Archbishop Pat (as he wants to be called) spoke to us during his homily of the chaos that has swept the earth in recent times. He said that the first Easter was also chaotic, where people had joyfully welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, only to turn on him a few days later, which caused Jesus to be crucified. “It seems as though God needs a bit of chaos to get going, perhaps that’s why he likes humans so much.”
He also reminded us that when Jesus ascended to heaven, there were feelings of loss, isolation and distance but also great hope. “The world in so many ways has been turned upside down. This year it has been hard to find just where this new life, this hope… and the glory of God is. [But] it seems COVID for all its distractions and difficulties… has given us a chance to pause, to take more time, to see what’s important.”
This Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus, numbering about one hundred and twenty. They were commissioned to spread the Good News to everyone, everywhere. We welcome Archbishop Pat as we work together so that everyone “may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission