From the Principal
Dear Parents
It has been interesting to hear the feedback from parents and teachers about the recent leaning conversations happening via technology through Teams and on the telephone as opposed to face to face interviews. There has been a mixed reaction but one that will influence how we do this in the future.
I am interested to hear your feedback on this. Parents will be invited to as part of the feedback with the Mid Year Reports through a quick survey.
As stated previously, the Mid-Year Report has been delayed due to disruptions caused by Co-vid 19. The report will be sent home at the beginning of Week 2 Term 3 instead of the end of the Term 2. Thank you for your patience with this. The delay will allow teachers to accumulate the evidence to give a more accurate reflection on learning progress when so many students were absent from school for an extended period of time.
The style and content of the report has changed.
The Life Skills section has been replaced with Key Capabilities giving a more contemporary view of a student’s development taken from the Australian Curriculum.
There is a separate comment for English and Maths with an A-E grade as required.
The other Curriculum areas have one grade only instead of grades for the strands or sub headings.
There is still a grade for ‘Attitude and Effort’ to reflect not just an achievement level but how students go about their learning for all the curriculum areas to be the best they can be.
The format of the report is different. Instead of designing our own template we have used a commonly used reporting system that will save a great deal of time and effort to write and publish the reports. The teachers and office staff will appreciate this better use of time.
The parent response sheet will still appear with the report where parents are invited to comment on the learning progress. There will also be the opportunity to feedback your thoughts on the changes that have been made which are aimed to give a more concise summary of learning achievement.
Assessment and reporting is a critical part of the learning journey where students receive formal feedback on how they are performing and to identify their future learning goals. Parents are an important part of the conversation and I trust you all will take the time to talk with your child/ren to discuss the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to reinforce the importance leaning has for their future success.
I trust you all enjoy the long weekend
Kind regards
Greg Haynes