From the Principal
Dear Parents
As principals, we received an end of term message from the Director of Catholic Education (Dr Neil McGoran) using the phrase “a term like other”. How true this is.
At our first assembly for the term this morning, I expressed my thanks to the students and staff for their acceptance of the circumstances that has meant many activities have either been changed, cancelled or deferred. This does require a great deal of cooperation and willingness to work together to do the best we can. This also includes parents being accepting of the changes and being flexible to work in partnership in different ways. To everyone, once again, thank you for your support and I look forward to the restrictions gradually lifting.
We now know the following events will re-emerge:
Class masses with some modifications
Winter sport begins
Little Stars can operate
Playgroup will eventually start as will the Campus Play Cafe
Catholic school and SAPSASA sporting carnivals
Music tuition
Visitors onsite
Volunteers allowed back to help out with events eg Father’s Day
Please refer, on an ongoing basis, to the Upcoming Events on the Website to see when the different events have been scheduled. Please note, as per previous notifications, the Mid-year Report will be sent home to families on the Monday of Week 2 in Term 3.
So I am happy to see the light gradually shining in a brighter fashion with the extra activities to happen. I am even happier that our Master plan is in the final stages of being approved. We have approval at the Catholic Education level. The last hurdles are the for the final design and the financial approvals. This is planned to happen over the holiday break where the formal process will firstly approve our three staged master plan, the scheduling for Stage 1 (playground upgrade, nature play space and connecting the inside to outside learning areas of the Early Years classrooms) and approval of a $750,000 loan to complete stage 1. This has been a long time coming and I hope an announcement is possible at the beginning of term 3.
Thank you also for your support with the car parking update communication recently sent to all families on Campus. There will be a visual presence at the beginning of the new term to ensure every family is doing the right thing for the safety and convenience of everyone.
One last request before signing off for the holidays. At the start of Term 3 parents are able to bring and collect their students to the classrooms but we would ask that you not enter the buildings. This is to support Co-vid safe practices, especially around hygiene and social distancing.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support, enjoy the break and I look forward to seeing further light on the horizon.
Kind regards
Mr Greg Haynes