From the Principal
Dear Parents
The excitement is building, not just for the end of term but also for the viewing of the Grandparents Special Friends Day ‘High Hopes’ cinematic experience. The students will view the ‘film’ as a whole school on the last day of term. Then the Nativity ‘film’ production will be available for all to stream from 5.00pm onwards on Friday 25 September via the school website or school Facebook page. Families are invited to create their own cinema at home with family, friends, grandparents and special friends to recreate what we unfortunately can’t normally do due to the restrictions! The Student Leadership Team created fliers that were sent to families with all the details and have even organised popcorn to share.
I would like to thank the creative expertise of Lisa Cannizzaro and her many helpers to recreate this special event on the school calendar. I look forward to hearing the feedback and trust you all enjoy the novel experience that promotes family and the community aspect of our school.
I also have some exciting news for parents regarding the initiative coming from the Catholic Education System, that all primary schools are reducing their fees from 2021. This information has been released in recent communications through our website articles and local media. The announcement today, as required by our Director Dr Neil McGoran, is Nativity school fees for a single student will reduce between $400-$450 a student from 2021. All discounts previously available, including sibling discounts, will still apply. Fee remissions will continue. Charges for extracurricular activities such as swimming and camps still apply.
The fee reduction will not impact the quality of education at our school and we will continue our commitment to the care, well being and academic development of our students. The reduced fee levels will be confirmed at our next School Board Meeting. More to follow on this, but this is good news for families and a change that has been coming for quite a while. I would like to thank our Business Manager Deb Kelley and Finance Committee members Leah Eustace and Shane Kuhlmann for the work done behind the scenes to financially plan for the fee reduction. Please note there will be different fee reductions offered by different parish primary schools due to their current fee levels and associated factors. Each school was asked to determine the level according to their context.
I trust you all enjoy the “High Hopes” experience and the holiday break!
Kind regards
Greg Haynes