From the Principal
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of Nativity School,
There is a sense of excitement as we look forward to our annual Sports Day in week 6 of this term, you will have received a letter with specific details earlier this week. I would like to congratulate the Nativity students who were voted in as Sports Captains for 2021. All of these students gave excellent speeches about their sporting experience, leadership and good sportsmanship. Most importantly they were voted in to the role by their peers from across all campus schools. We are very proud of you all! May the best team win.
Luke Martin Captain
Sienna Kelley Captain
Hudson Millard Captain
Sophie Goode Captain
Gemma Briggs Vice Captain
Jayce Potter Vice Captain
Jai Williamson Captain
Ash Hall Vice Captain
Many thanks to all the parents who assisted in cooking pancakes for Shrove Tuesday last week, the students and staff really enjoyed them! Thanks also to Sharyn Black and Fr Maurwa for organising and celebrating our Ash Wednesday Mass to mark the beginning of Lent. During the 40 days of Lent, we are reminded to think about how we can listen to God, reflect on our attitudes and how we can show care and kindness to one another.
This week in my conversations with students I asked “How can we share God’s love in our actions and words?” Below is some inspiration for us all in Lent!
Hunter from 1/2K by sharing and helping others
Olivia from 1/2K including people in our games
Hudson1/2K forgiving others
Lincoln 3CD helping those who are hurt and asking them if they are ok
Elka 3CD using kind words and speaking nicely to others
Connor 3CD including those who don’t have someone to play with
Currently, there are some students who are wearing Smart Watches to school and teachers are encouraging responsible usage of these devices. This includes parents setting up the watches with appropriate controls for school hours so that phone features and the camera are not in use. If you need to send a message to your child in school time please contact the Office and we will pass the message on to them. Thank you for your support of staff in managing the many types of technology students are using today, it can be a challenge.
This week we farewell Maureen Dickson who has worked as a Nativity Staff member for 25 years. Many thanks Maureen for your amazing work ethic, organisation and the way you have interacted with staff and students alike. We will miss you greatly.
Next week Lisa Cannizzaro will be beginning her maternity leave but thankfully will still be supporting our Grandparents day this year. All the best Lisa for the safe arrival of your little girl.
God Bless,