From the APRIM
Dear Families
Altar Servers
Father Mwaura is ready to reinvigorate this ministry and is asking for students who would like to be involved. Altar servers need to have completed their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) If you child would like to be involved, please email me If they have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
Parish Masses over Easter
As we still have government restrictions in place, there will still be a limit on the number of people allowed to attend. Bookings via the parish website will be needed and we will notify you as to when the bookings will open.
This week’s response in the Responsorial Psalm comes from one of the most well-known Bible verses of all, John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whosoever believed in him would not perish but have everlasting love. We will celebrate God’s love for us in the coming weeks at Easter. Love has become so commercialised today with the flowers, gifts, songs and anything else that can be contrived to look like love. But what is it really?
Caritas in their e-news, wrote of the relief that has been given to Beirut when around 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, exploded on August 4th, 2020. We all saw the damage on the news but you may be unaware of toll this has taken on the people of Beirut:
• 300,000 people left homeless
• 200 people dead
• 7,500 injured
• 80,000 children among the displaced
• Hundreds of months of collective schooling lost
In the days after the explosion, Caritas Lebanon distributed
• 400 food kits
• 20,000 hot meals distributed to people in need
• 194 medical first aid kits
• 700 youth volunteers also helped in the clean-up of over 200 houses
The relief is ongoing with food distribution, hot meals, building repairs as well as psychological support. Theresia, a co-ordinator for Caritas Lebanon said that she received 300-400 young volunteers DAILY! To give of oneself without expecting anything in return. That is love.
During the coming weeks, our students will also have an opportunity to support Caritas, as well as working with their teachers to learn more about the work of Caritas. Raising awareness and fundraising are both acts of love that we, here in Australia who are blessed with medical care, schooling, housing, food and a virtually Covid-free lifestyle, can support.
As you are notified of our fundraising activities, you may wish to talk to your children about our giving being an act of love. By going without something to give, is good practice at being loving.
Please give generously!
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission