Student Leadership Team Report
This week the SLTs organised a coin trail and prayer reflection to raise funds for Project Compassion.
During our prayer we reflected on the theme “Be More” and thought about ways we can live out our school values during lent. We considered ways we can be more, compassionate, courageous, welcoming, grateful, just and forgiving during Lent.
With help from all students across School Of The Nativity we were able to show how much we care about people who are homeless or don’t have access to food or water. We believe that Caritas can be the difference in the world we live in today.
Caritas has helped our school to realise that we need to be aware of others and their different situations in life. So if we can help, we will!
Our coin trail raised $178.05 for Caritas: Project Compassion!
We hope that Caritas can inspire all of us to BE MORE IN 2021!
Written by Jai and Luke (SLT)