From the APRIM
Dear Families
Altar Servers
We are still needing students who have completed their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) to be altar servers at Thursday class Masses. They will undertake training with Father Mwaura and me before serving every few weeks at class Masses. If your child is interested, please let me know.
Holy Week Presentations
Our students will be presenting the story of Holy Week throughout the week beginning on Monday 29 March.
The Early Years classes will present Palm Sunday in the church driveway on Monday 29 March at 9.15am, weather permitting. If the weather is inclement this will be transferred to the PAC.
Following this presentation, the students will follow the cross which will be erected in the garden in front of the St Joseph building as a sign of the beginning of Holy Week.
On Wednesday 31 March, the Year 3, 4 and 5 classes will present the events of Holy Thursday at 2.30pm in the PAC.
Our school’s Holy Week will conclude with the Stations of the Cross presented by students from Year 2-7 on Thursday 1 April at 12 noon in the PAC.
Parents of the children involved, are invited to watch. You will need to book in the usual way. An email will be sent out later next week with booking details. We especially invite those parents whose children are a part of the Stations of the Cross presentation to come to the Thursday presentation instead of Good Friday as this will free up places on Good Friday for parishioners.
Good Friday Presentation of the Stations of the Cross
Students involved in this presentation will need to be at school by 9.40 and are to meet in the music room behind the stage in the PAC. They will be supervised by Erika Dixon and me.
Parents wishing to stay will need book a place online through the parish website
At the completion of the presentation, students will be taken outside the PAC to meet their parents, NO STUDENT will be allowed to leave the PAC until collected by an adult.
Parish Mass Times for Holy Week and Easter
Bookings are required for all, except for Reconciliation. Please book at
Palm Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday 27 March at 6p.m.
Palm Sunday Mass: Sunday 28 March at 9 a.m.
Reconciliation: Wednesday 31 March at 7.00 p.m.
Holy Thursday Mass: Thursday 1 April at 7.00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross: Friday 2 April at 10 a.m. in the school’s PAC
Passion of the Lord: Friday 2 April at 3 p.m.
Easter Vigil: Saturday 3 April at 7.00 p.m.
Easter Sunday: Sunday 4 April at 9 a.m.
As we enter the fifth week of Lent on Sunday, what does the Lord ask of you?
To act justly
To love tenderly
And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6: 8
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission