From The Principal
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
Easter Sunday starts the Easter season in the Catholic Church, marks the end of Lent and is the last day of Holy Week. It is the beginning of a new season of grace and a time of joy and thanksgiving that lasts for fifty days. One of the ways we celebrate Easter is in the joyous greeting of “Christ is risen Alleluia” The Year 6 and 7 students reminded us of this in their Joy Day presentation on Tuesday afternoon.
Sincere thanks to Sharyn Black for leading all our Holy Week celebrations and the Parish in Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Thanks also to the school families who attended the Stations of the Cross presentation. The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross is a devotion that reflects on Jesus’ final days on Earth — from being condemned to death to dying on the cross and being placed in the tomb. They remind Catholic’s that Jesus led by example and increase both our sorrow for the things we have done wrong and our need for Jesus’ help in bearing our own crosses in life.
Thanks to all of you who have booked times with teachers to talk about your child’s learning. Research shows that parental engagement overrides all other factors that have been shown to influence a child’s achievement. These interviews are a fantastic opportunity for teachers and parents to develop and strengthen effective relationships to support student learning between home and school. Below are some questions you might like to ask your child’s teacher.
• How is my child going in ……(subject?)
• What are my child’s interests and strengths?
• What does my child find challenging/do you have any concerns?
• What can I do at home to support my child’s learning?
• How does my child contribute to the class culture?
• How does my child get along with other students?
Friday the 30th April (end of week 1 term 2) is the annual Dad’s and Kids Sleepout. Our thanks to Sam Larwood for organising this fun event. Please respond to the notice in regard to the event if you would like to attend, it’s not too late!
A reminder that Tuesday 27th April is a Pupil Free Day. OSHC is available for those families that may need this. Please let Carmel know this week if you need to make a booking. On this day staff will be at school reviewing the data from our recent DISA (Diagnostic Inventory of School Alignment) survey, they will begin developing a statement for learning at Nativity School and also work with Brown Falconer Architects to finalise the new play space design which is on track to go to the tender process at the end of June.
I look forward to seeing the students refreshed and ready for another busy term of learning on Wednesday 28th April.
God Bless,