From the Principal
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School
This week students in R-5 have been learning about water safety during their swimming lessons at Noarlunga Aquatic Centre. Instructors in the swimming program have focused on water awareness, safety, confidence and skills which is a part of the learning in the Health and Physical Education area of the Australian Curriculum. Here are some comments from our students:
Eli (1/2)– Swimming was good! I went under water and I like the doggie paddle.
Grace(1/2)- I liked Dolphin diving and floating on my back.
Amelia R (R)– I liked swimming and learning new things like kicking with a kick board.
Danny (R)– I learnt how to swim on my belly.
Ranveer (R)– I did a handstand in the water.
Jasmine (R)– I floated on my back.
We also welcome Martin Pascoe who is working with the year 3-7 students on an Aboriginal Cultural project focusing on identity through film making. As a result of our work with Martin, Nativity School will also develop a Reconciliation Action Plan which will be a formal statement of our commitment to Reconciliation. If you would like to be a part of the group that creates this Reconciliation Action plan, please email Andrea Broadbent so that we can include you in this important work.
Thank you to all of you who took time to respond to our recent DISA survey. The results of the DISA study show that the School of the Nativity has a positive reputation and much to celebrate. It is widely perceived as a happy, caring, and respectful environment where students take pride in their school. One of the things we have chosen to work on as a response to the survey is the development of a memorable and inspirational school vision for learning. Staff believe that this will facilitate the process of decision making so that it is more strategic and focused and give time and space for reflection on our progress as a school. We will work with the University of Southern Queensland in the development of this vision and look forward to formally launching it for our 40th Anniversary. A full report on the results of this survey has been written by staff and will be presented to the School Board at the next meeting.
This weekend is Pentecost (the Greek word pentecoste means 50). This celebration in the catholic church is 50 days after the death and resurrection of Jesus. At Pentecost we listen to the story the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit the Apostles were given the courage and wisdom to share the message of the gospel with others. At Nativity School we share the message of the gospel in both word and witness by developing a culture of encounter through strong relationships, a commitment to truth, kindness and respect for all people.
Lastly, our thoughts and prayers are with Kellie, Alex and Alana Matalone, a past Nativity family, on the passing of their beloved husband and Dad, Phil last week. The Nativity community has made a donation to the Brain Cancer foundation in Phil’s memory.
God Bless,