From the Principal
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of Nativity School,
Thank you so much for your support of our Winter Warmers Day led by the student leadership group last Friday. On Thursday 6th August we celebrated Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day at mass. Mary, our first Australian Saint and a founder of the Josephite schools had a special place in her heart for those who were disadvantaged, marginalized or isolated. School of the Nativity is a school in the Josephite tradition, and we carry on the tradition of Mary’s work when we take action that helps others as we did with our Winter Warmers Day. Mary reminds us to “Seek first the poorest and most neglected part of God’s vineyard”.
Angela Pike and I have met with representatives from Mission Australia in regard to some support they will be offering our school families who have a child with a disability or who may have undiagnosed needs and would benefit from formal and informal community services for support. Jodie and Georgia (Mission Australia) can guide families in applying for NDIS, with the NDIS plan itself and linking with quality services or suggest supports that are available in community separate to the NDIS. Towards the end of the term, you will receive some more information about this initiative along with an invitation to an information session to hear more about this free service. Families will then be able to make a time with a Mission Australia Local Area Coordinator to discuss their individual circumstances in Term 4. If you are interested in being a part of this initiative, please register your interest with Angela via email. Our community is very fortunate to have been selected to participate in this new project for Catholic Education SA.
Teachers have continued their work on making learning visible at our school. David Whitehead and Sue Richards from Corwin conducted “Learning Walks and Talks” in each classroom. They spoke to the students about what they were learning, how they were doing, how they knew, what they could do to improve and where to go for help. David and Suzanne provided positive feedback about how staff are using learning intentions and success criteria for learning and have identified a focus as we continue this work is giving effective feedback. Studies of the impact of feedback show that “feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement” (John Hattie) As we move forward students will be given opportunities in class to improve their learning through feedback that is timely and specific, constructive and meaningful, provides information on how to improve and informs future learning. They will also spend time reflecting on their learning and making self-assessments.
This year the Book week theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds and we will celebrate this with a Campus Dress up Parade on Friday 27th August – Week 7 (all being well with current Covid restrictions) You will receive more information from our Campus Librarians Beth and Carol in the near future. During this week there will also be lunchtime activities, a story writing competition and displays in the Campus Library. No doubt this will be a lot of fun! If you are interested in reading the Shortlisted books for this year here is the link to the titles: Book Week Short List
Lastly preparations are well underway for Grandparents Day. Special thanks to Lisa Cannizzaro for her tireless efforts in making this production a reality. Thanks also to Marisa Ritorto from Flava Dance Studios who is also one of our Reception parents for assisting us in the dance finale.
God Bless,