The latest news from Year 3
In year 3CH we are very excited (and very grateful that COVID restrictions have eased) to be going on Zoo Snooze in week 6.
To prepare for this, we have been hard at work researching endangered species around the world to educate each other about them through information reports. We have begun this process by using our research skills to present facts to the class.
In Science, we have been exploring our classroom and school to discover the different features of living things. We have done this according to our class ‘Code for Caring’ that we constructed to ensure we are caring and considerate for all living things.
In HASS we have been learning about Civics and Citizenship and in our learning goals we were interested in learning about the three levels of Government. We have been researching in class and we have been having deep conversations about the Australian Government. We have started our assignment on a level of Government that we are choosing to research, either being the Local, State or Federal.
In Maths, we have been focusing on our time learning goals and our multiplication stories. In class this week we have been working together on practicing our times and focusing on our own individual goals.
Finally in our book club we have been enjoying reading in our groups. We have been focusing on reading aloud this week with expression to our peers.
Please enjoy our photos of our classes work. We look forward to sharing our Camp with you all.
Thank you
Anna Charlesworth and Nicholas Horton