From the APRIM
Dear Families,
It’s strange how a moment in time stays with you and then your mind drifts around, making connections between different memories. Have you ever watched someone sing and it gave you goosebumps? Last night I watched a contestant on The Voice, Julee-Anne Bell, sing, “Climb Every Mountain”. Her own rendition was beautiful, her duet with Guy Sebastian was breathtaking and made me just a little teary … well, maybe a fair bit. It wasn’t just the singing, it was the picture of Guy holding her hand so tight and not letting go.
It reminded me of the Mother Abbess in the film as she spoke the beautiful words from Psalm 121 to Maria, reminding her that God will hold her tightly,
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD.
Sunday 22 August 2021 has been designated as a National Day of Prayer. The National Council of Churches and church leaders are calling all Australians to unite and pray for all those in need during the Covid-19 crisis. This is a time to remind ourselves that God holds us tightly.
The theme is: “Lord have mercy — Jesus have mercy”. This prayer is found in both the New and Old Testaments, in the story of the blind beggar who called out to Jesus to be healed in the Gospel of Luke and Psalm 123:3. I encourage you to pray with your own family and in your own way at this time. There is an opportunity for a daily devotion to be sent out to you or to be a part of a Zoom Prayer Call. Details can be found by clicking here:
I found this beautiful prayer that you may like to share with your family on Sunday 22 August.
God of all,
we cry out to you for help.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Protect us, Lord, and be with us
especially those of us most vulnerable
during this coronavirus crisis.
Move us to reach out in love
to our neighbours near and far.
So that the humble may be exalted,
the hungry filled with good things.
Grant us the courage
not to rush back to our old ways,
but to rebuild our world together,
creating foundations of justice,
with equality and peace for all.
Prayer: Catherine Gorman/CAFOD
Blessings and may God hold you tightly,
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission