What’s been happening in Year 4 BP?
Book Week
We celebrated Book Week this Term with all of our class dressing up and participating in the Campus Book Week parade. Congratulations go to Matthew for being chosen to have the best Book Week costume on Campus.

Health – Sugar
In Health, we recently completed a unit of work about Sugar. Our Learning Intention was to learn to interpret information from tables and graphs. During this unit, we learned to read nutritional panels on different drink containers that we brought in from home.
We had to identify how much sugar is in a serving of each drink and then measure out the amount of sugar per serving. We were amazed at how much sugar was in some drinks!
We then compared amounts of sugar in different types of drinks and recorded our answers on a table. From there, we designed a poster to educate others about the amount of sugar in drinks, to help them make better choices.
Technologies – Olympic Minecraft Projects
In Technologies, we have been given an independent project to research a past Olympic Games, present our research in Minecraft, and eventually produce a video tour to share our Minecraft artwork and the information we have found out.
Our learning intention for our project is to convey our information in a digital production using Minecraft and Microsoft PowerPoint.
We have been asked to create and research the following aspects of an Olympic games.
1. The Mascot
2. The Olympic Logo
3. The flag of the host nation and 5 facts about that country
4. A highlight from either the opening or closing ceremony
5. The Australian Gold medalist winners
6. The Olympic torch design or the Olympic flame lighting ceremony.
At the end of our project, we will share our videos with each other, and some of them might be featured on our school website or our classroom blog.
Sakura, Jenae, Millie, Mr Baldock, on behalf of Alanah and Sera, have shared with you two aspects of their yet to be completed worlds below.
Religious Education – Mary MacKillop
In Religious Education, we have been doing a unit of work on Mary MacKillop. During that unit, we explored her life and produced this timeline of her life that we shared with half the school during the Mary MacKillop Mass earlier this term and with the Parish community at the weekend Masses.
Below is a video of Mary MacKillop’s life story.
Maths – Angles
In Maths, we recently explored angles and looked at four particular angles: right, straight, obtuse, and acute. We had great fun sharing our knowledge at our recent Assembly. Please enjoy our photos below of these angles with a little help from our teachers and ESOs.