From the Principal
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
We are very excited to be welcoming you to our Grandparents and Special Friends Day (NATFLIX) performances this Friday 24th September. Rehearsals and filming of the performance have made this a busy week for staff and students. You will have seen a flyer advertising a plant stall after each performance. Many thanks to Jasmine’s (RBC) Grandma Isabel for organising this for us. Plants will between 50 cents and $5.00 and all money raised will go to the Nativity Gardening Club to buy plants and supplies. We will have the stall set up so that you are able to socially distance as you choose your plants. Thank you in advance for supporting this initiative.
Grandparents play such a special role in the lives of their grandchildren. They are able to:
• offer unconditional love
• be a mentor who can help with problems
• offer companionship and someone to talk to
• be a window into their parent’s childhood
• pass on a sense of adventure, kindness, humour, patience and family tradition
• share their life lessons and wisdom
The celebration of Grandparents and Special Friends Day is a way for the Nativity community to thank these special people in our lives for all they do for our families. This year we will also be sharing the joy of this performance with the residents of Estia Aged Care, Aberfoyle Park.
Last Friday some students from Year 6 and 7 met with The Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly, in the Campus Staff room. Children and young people are directly affected by the decisions that are made today by adults. Their everyday lives as well as their future are impacted by policies, systems and services. On her visit Helen spoke to the students and collected information for a report about Physical activity she is currently writing for the Minister of Sport and Recreation.
On Tuesday the Senior Choir rehearsed for their performance for the Southern Metropolitan Music Festival. Thanks to Ally Cunningham for her work in preparing the Year 5 students; Maddie, Ava, Mason, Lewis, Abi, Caitlyn and Hailey
Finally, a prayer for our Grandparents and Special Friends:
We thank you for our wonderful grandparents.
They bring such joy and happiness into our lives.
Thank you for all the special times that we have with them.
Please watch over them, protect them and care for them now.
May they know your goodness and love always.
Wishing you a restful term break. We look forward to you returning to us safely in term 4, for another busy term.
God Bless,