Dear Families,
Advent begins this weekend
Advent is the time where we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Even though in current times we cannot have as many people in our homes, there is still a great frenzy of shopping, cooking and cleaning in preparation for Christmas Day. Christmas is an important part of the liturgical calendar and it is a season extending well into January.
We don’t notice this in the commercial world as the Christmas decorations go on sale before Christmas and hot cross buns are available before the New Year. It has become a season of what we are hoping to receive or hoping to give to loved ones. It should be a time to reflect on the hope that Jesus brought to the world and an opportunity for us to give to others through charity, in love and service as a gesture of thanks to God.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Appeal
Here is a visible opportunity to help others through our school support of our local Vinnies conference. The food collected will be given to people in our very own community. These goods will be presented THIS FRIDAY and the collection is looking very sparse at the moment. Please send in your donations in the next two days so that we have lots of bags of food to present to the Vinnies representatives at assembly on Friday.
Blessing of the Cribs
The blessing of the cribs or nativity scenes usually takes place in the cathedral. Archbishop Pat is encouraging parishes to bless their nativity scenes from home on the third Sunday of Advent (12 December). Fr Mwaura will be doing this in our parish and you are warmly invited to attend and bring your nativity with you!
Christmas Mass for Families
The parish’s 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve is specifically planned for children’s participation. We are having a children’s choir, as well as children reading and acting. We are inviting any child who would like to be involved to contact Bianca Cotton ( or me ( BY NEXT TUESDAY. There will be singing practice after Sunday Mass starting on Sunday 5 December and a rehearsal for everyone involved, on Thursday 23 December at 10 am.
All children attending the Mass can dress up as an angel or shepherd.
Christmas means celebrating the joyful gift of the Christ-child and the fullness of the Christmas story, which we are called to live every day of the year.
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission