From The Principal
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School
I am excited to announce that our new play space will be opened on Monday 11 April for students to play on. To celebrate we will have an official opening outside and weather permitting on Wednesday 13 April at 1.45pm. We invite you to join us if you can. Official invite will be sent via email.
Tuesday night the School Board met to further our strategic planning and I welcome the newly elected members of our Board Alistair Atkinson, Amanda Box, Joanna Hall and Heidi May.
Congratulations to the Dahlenburg children who were baptised on the weekend. Through Baptism they have been initiated into the family of God. This sacrament is special as we do not need to earn this gift, God gives it freely to all those who are open to it with the words:
“I baptise you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit”.
We pray for Michelle and Michael as they guide their children in the practice of the Catholic faith and help them up to keep the commandments God has given us as a Catholic community.
Congratulations also to our SACPSSA swimmers Ruben, Grace, Lauryn, Matilda, Jonah, Annabelle, Koby, Josh Alannah, Cacey, Jessica, Siena and Lewis who all won ribbons for their events at the Aquatics Centre last week and special congratulations to Jessica O who was the Year 6 age Champion. Thanks also to the parents who supported our team Neil Osborne, Hayley Nitschke and Gill Kinnon, we appreciate you volunteering your time.
Lastly a reminder that this Friday is the When I am 40 Dress Up Day to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Nativity School and the Aberfoyle Park Primary School Campus. You will have received some 40th anniversary stickers this week please stick them on your car to promote our school and Campus and remember to visit our website to see what it was like at Nativity 40 years ago.
God Bless
Erika Dixon