Dear Families,
I hope you have had a refreshing break. This term will be another busy one, packed with excitement, learning and probably, unexpected challenges. As we return, let us not forget those around the world who have no school to return to. In his daily email, Andrew Chinn reminded his subscribers that we cannot let the war in Ukraine become old news. He wrote, “Every morning children who are as old as those we teach wake up to the horror of war in Ukraine. We must continue to pray for those children, their families and for peace in our world.”
This is a beautiful song by Andrew to use when you need to some quiet time:
Family Mass
Just another reminder that this Sunday is our first Family Mass for the year. Mass is at 9am, followed by ice-cream for the children and tea and coffee for the adults. We have students who will be reading, as well as child-friendly music. This is the beginning of a new tradition and we look forward to including more children in the celebration of future Masses.
School Masses
We have two whole school Masses soon. One is the Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross on 8 August, which we will celebrate on Thursday 11 August at 9.15. Mary MacKillop (affectionately known as the brown Mary) was the founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and our school is considered a Josephite school.
The second will be for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday 15 August at 9.15. At this Mass we remember Mary, the faithful mother of Jesus who at the end of her earthly life, was taken body and soul, into the glory of heaven. This Mary is often depicted wearing blue, the colour of heaven. The colour blue also has deep biblical roots in the Old Testament. She is affectionately called by some children ‘the blue Mary’.
Families are warmly invited to celebrate with us.
Is it Advent already?
No, it’s not but the parish is getting ready to reinstate the Gingerbread House making morning. On 11 December, there will be a fun family morning at the parish. After Mass and morning tea, families can make a gingerbread house, ready to share with family and friends at Christmas. The registration form will be sent home soon but must be returned to Bianca Cotton at the parish by 7 August. The form and money can be left at the school office but the last day for this will be FRIDAY 5 August.
Thought for this week from Mary MacKillop, “Find happiness in making others happy.”
Many blessings,
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission