Dear Families,
Welcome back to another full, busy and rewarding year!
Performance Standards
We have hit the ground running in many areas of learning already, one of these being Religious Education. Our staff are implementing the new Performance Standards for Religious Education, designed by Catholic Education South Australia. When teachers are assessing students’ work, they will be looking for quality and depth of understanding. The standards are structured using A, B, C, D and E and are aligned to ACARA (the Australian curriculum.) Below is an example from the Year 1-2 standard.
A – Communicates reasons why religious beliefs and practices are important to people.
B – Discusses why religious beliefs and practices are important to people.
C – Names why religious beliefs and practices are important to people.
D – Recalls some religious beliefs and practices.
E – Not yet able to understand religious beliefs and practices.
We believe that these performance standards give students every opportunity to show what they know.
Family Mass
The next parish family Mass will be held on Sunday 19 February. Any students who would like to take part by helping with the readings, prayers or offertory procession are invited to contact Bianca Cotton or Sharyn Black
We would love to see as many families as possible in attendance. Our staff will also be commissioned during the Mass.
Sacrament Program
It is not too late to enrol or enquire about the Sacrament Program. The parish is so excited to announce that they are also running a ‘Just For Teenagers’ group which will be held at the same time as the Primary group in a different room. So if you have 2 children in different age groups, they will be able to attend workshops that have been specifically tailored for them. Please let any high schools students know that may have previously missed out, that there is a program for them.
This special time of the liturgical year is nearly upon us. We invite all parents and caregivers to the parish Mass on Ash Wednesday which will be held in the church adjoining the car park on Wednesday 22 February at 9.15. Our 5/6 classes will be hosting the Mass.
Ash Wednesday is the start of the Lent season, traditionally observed as 40 days, of prayer, fasting and repentance in the days before Easter. In the Ash Wednesday Mass, participants receive ashes on their forehead as a reminder that we are human, make mistakes and in need of repentance.
Kathryn Whittaker writes that if we give up things at Lent just to tell everyone else that we are giving something up, (that is fasting), we will have a ‘meh’ Lenten season. Here are her tips:
There is no prize for “Best Lenten Sacrifice.” Only YOU know what you need to do more, or less, of to strengthen your relationship with Christ. Don’t worry about what others are doing.
Write it down and put it on your bathroom mirror. It will be the first thing you see in the morning.
Without fail, make your Lenten promises doable, otherwise you’ll fall off the wagon and never get back on because you feel so defeated.
Include your children, no matter their ages, in the season of Lent.
Read more from Kathryn Whittaker by following the link:
A special bag with Lenten activities will be sent home for each family to share during Lent. I hope you can share its contents with your family. Together we can make Lent 40 days of awesome!
Many blessings to everyone,
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal – Religious Identity and Mission