Wellbeing News
This year we have launched our school wide behaviour agreement RISE to Thrive. RISE was a collaborative effort between teachers and students during 2022 to develop a common understanding and approach for our relationships as we learn and grow together.
At Nativity, all students, teachers and parents have a right to belong to a safe and healthy community. Therefore, we are committed to RISE:
In our words and in our actions, we are Respectful, Inclusive, Safe and show Empathy to one another.
At Nativity we RISE to Thrive. When we RISE we are:
• Nurturing our capacity to engage positively in our school community.
• Empowered to make confident choices about our actions and their outcomes.
• Building strong relationships that are the foundation of a thriving educational community.
We look forward to sharing with you our work to build a common understanding of RISE and watching our community continue to thrive in this supportive and positive environment.
Warm regards
Sally Paparella
Wellbeing Coordinator