Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
Last week we had students represent Nativity in the SAPSASA Athletics Carnival and the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival. Well done to all students who capably represented our school, we are proud of all your efforts. In Athletics special congratulations to Baron for his 1st place in both the 200m & 1500, and for being invited to represent Southern Heights at the State Championship in these events. Congratulations also to Ollie and Saelah who gained a 3rd and 4th ribbon in shotput respectively. In Swimming, special congratulations to Annabelle for winning the Year 5 Championship Medal and to Amelia for winning her breast stroke race. Our relay teams placed third and fourth, placing us 4th out of 7 Catholic Schools. Thanks to Cate Hutton and Rachel Baulderstone, Gill Kinnon and Neil Osborn who supported our students to these events.
Our Year 6 students have participated in Aquatics at Noarlunga, enjoying snorkelling and body boarding and also the Amazing Race based on the hit TV show “The Amazing Race”, an action-packed team-based adventure, designed to encourage teamwork and to help teams connect through a fun shared experience. Indi, Isaac and Matt shared their favourite activities with me:
Indi – The snorkelling was fun because of all the coral and fish we saw
Isaac – Body boarding was fun because the waves were big
Matt – The Amazing Race was a fun experience and we got to work together as a team
This year we have 59 participants in Children’s University and next Thursday students involved in the program will receive their passports. The term break will be an opportunity to complete some online learning or visit some learning destinations. Here is the link to the Children’s Uni Portal login in case you are looking for some ideas:
This week we celebrate Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, a most sacred time of year for Catholics. During this special time, we enter into the passion of Christ — his crucifixion, death and resurrection. We are reminded that Jesus is alive and in our midst and he welcomes us in a new life with him. Thank you to the R-2 classes who re enacted the events of Palm Sunday, the 3/4 classes who will re enact the events of Holy Thursday and the 5/6 students the Stations of the Cross.
I chatted to the students about why Easter is an important celebration and I’m sure you’ll agree they are thinking deeply about the true meaning of Easter.
Flynn – Good Friday is sadly when Jesus passed away and Easter Sunday is when he rose
Lily – spending time with your family and getting Easter eggs that represent new life
Eire – It’s about joy and forgiveness
Scarlett M – It’s a day you get chocolate eggs – because eggs come from birds and birds are new life
Sebastian – Easter is a time to celebrate Jesus
Danny – We celebrate Jesus coming back to us
Next Friday, the last day of term one, we look forward to our Project Compassion Carnival. Thank you in advance for returning your Project Compassion boxes, your generosity is appreciated.
As we move to the end of a busy term of learning, staff and students are beginning to prepare for Learning Conversations in week 2 of next term. Booking details will be provided via email soon. You will notice a slight change of format to the Learning Conversation booklets to include our vision for learning at Nativity – Nurturing and Empowering Learners to Thrive: Engage, Connect, Challenge, Create We look forward to sharing information about your child/ren’s learning journey with you.
On behalf of the staff, we wish your family an Easter season of Christ’s peace, joy, and blessings.
God Bless,