Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
Welcome back to term 2! We have a lot to look forward to this term beginning with Learning Conversations and the Mother’s Day Breakfast and Stall next week.
On Mother’s Day we recognize two important figures: our own mother, and Mary, Mother of God. St Theresa Benedicta said “To be a mother is to nourish and protect true humanity and bring it to development. Wishing all the Mum’s and Mother Figures in our lives a wonderful Mother’s Day!
There is but one and only one,
Whose love will fail you never.
One who lives from sun to sun,
With constant fond endeavor.
There is but one and only one
On earth there is no other.
In heaven a noble work was done
When God gave us a Mother.
– Author Unknown
Just a reminder that at Nativity Learning Conversations are as follows:
Students in R-2 have a parent /teacher conversation with the focus of the conversation on the responses made by students in the Learning Conversation booklet.
Students in 3-6 have student-led conversations. During this time students are expected to attend and lead the discussion about their work, using the Learning Conversation booklet.
This term we are hosting a number of workshops for parents including:
Reading for R-2 Families on 17th May at 9am – Facilitator Melinda James
Maths for R-2 Families on 21st June at 9am – Facilitator Melinda James
Cyber Safety for R-6 on 8th June at 6.30pm – Facilitator Cyber Safe Families (following the 5/6 student session during the day)
Please save these dates in your diary, we would love to see as many people as possible there. We understand that there may be parents unable to attend the 9am workshop sessions due to work commitments, if you would like further information and are unable to attend, please email Melinda Cyber Safe Families has a website that has some useful resources, fact sheets and services you may like to look at, here is the link: Cyber Safe Families
We are waiting on aluminium and glazing for the Bartram building. Once this is complete you should see the interior of the building begin to take shape. Akira Builders are still saying that completion of the refurbishment will be the 7th June. We are really looking forward to being able to use and share this space with you.
Tuesday morning saw the first session of our Playgroup initiative with the Parish – Nativity Nest. Thanks to Kyle Osborne, Bianca Cotton and Ann Donnelly for their work facilitating our Playgroup. Children from 0-5 are welcome each Tuesday morning from 9.00am. Please join us in the transportable classroom at the Parish.
God Bless,