From the APRIM
Dear Families
School of the Nativity acknowledges the Kaurna people, the Traditional Owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
May we walk gently on this land.
This week we celebrate National Reconciliation Week. The dates for this important celebration remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision that challenged the title ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no-one), respectively. Many people are relearning the history that they were taught as young children but our students are being given wonderful insights into life for our First Nations Peoples. I would like to share Hazel from 1/2W’s beautifully written acknowledgement of country:
“I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting and learning on Kaurna Country. I will help to care for the Kaurna Country by playing respectfully and being kind to all people.”
Tara June Winch in her book ‘The Yield’ which is about preserving the language of the Wiradjuri Peoples and sharing their culture introduces their word for ‘respect’ which is ‘yindyamarra’. Hard to translate but it means kindness, gentleness and respect all at once. She explains:
“I think I’ve come to realise that with some things, you cannot receive them unless you give them too. Unless you’ve even got the opportunity to give and receive. Only equals can share respect, otherwise it’s a game of masters and slaves – someone always has the upper hand when they are demanding respect. But yindyamarra is another thing too, it’s a way of life – a life of kindness, gentleness, and respect at once. That seems like a good thing to share, our yindyamarra.”
At its heart, reconciliation is First Nations Peoples and all other people who live on this land, regardless of culture, faith tradition or birthplace, living and working together in harmony, as we care for the land.
We thank Chloe Menton who is a pre-service teacher in 1/2W class, for sharing her passion for this important learning area.
Confirmation and Holy Communion
The date for this special occasion is creeping closer. On 25 June, twelve of our students will be confirmed by Archbishop Pat O’Regan and receive Holy Communion for the first time during the Sunday Mass. I ask you to continue to pray for Alexander, Aria, Casey, Charlotte, Chloe Co, Grace, Hunter H, Jonah, Marley, Matilda, Ollie and Toby. You are also warmly invited to come and join in the celebration.
Blessings to you all
Sharyn Black
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission