Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
Last Wednesday we attended a Campus Smoking Ceremony with Uncle Corey Turner to begin our Naidoc Week Celebrations. The theme of NAIDOC week this year is: For Our Elders. During NAIDOC week we celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is also an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. Our students have partnered with their buddies to learn about the significance of a smoking ceremony in Aboriginal culture and will also participate in a prayer service for NAIDOC week. Thank you to our Canteen Manager, David Rismondo for supplying the Naidoc donuts in the canteen this week.
Last Friday, the staff participated in a retreat with Fr Mwara and Bianca from the parish. The theme of our retreat was Sustainability and the Pope’s encyclical about care for the earth Laudato si’. Pope Francis’ encyclical considers the science on the most pressing issues facing the world today – climate change, global warming, loss of biodiversity and the issue of pollution. Pope Francis also highlights the difficulty these challenges pose for the poor and vulnerable. As a staff, we have been considering how we will work to becoming a more sustainable school and look forward to sharing our commitments to sustainability with you next semester.
This week you will have received your child/ren’s semester 1 reports. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please make a time to meet with your child’s teacher early in term three. Whilst we don’t have formal parent teacher interviews in term three you are welcome to make a time with your child/ren’s class teacher if you wish.
The term break is a great time to complete some activities for Children’s University. The CU portal has all the information you need: from learning destinations to online activities there is lots to explore. We have 20 students who already have enough hours to graduate this year. We have been advised that the Nativity Graduation will be on Wednesday 8th November, so save the date!
Term 3 is fast approaching, and we have may things to look forward to including our biannual Book Week Parade, Grandparents Day, our first performance in the Catholic School’s Music Festival and Catholic Schools Open Week. Congratulations to Jason and Summer who will appear on the South Road Bus stops this year.
The first day of term 3 will also see our Reception to Year 2 classes return to the newly refurbished Bartram building. The students and teachers are excited about the prospect of their new learning spaces and are thinking about different ways the spaces can be used. All classes R-6 will have the opportunity to use the space for Japanese and Visual Art lessons. Please join us on Monday 24th July to look through the building for the first time.
Lastly, the 2022 School Performance report has been posted on our website. If you would prefer to have a printed copy, please let Cate or Lisa know and we will send one home.
Wishing you all a great term break. Take Care and return to us safely for a new semester of learning in term 3.
God Bless,