Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
Firstly, congratulations to the students who recently competed in the Catholic Schools Cross Country event. It was a great achievement that everyone completed the two-kilometre course. Special congratulations to Annabel, Anthony, Flynn, Jack and Quinn who made it to the top ten in their races. Congratulations also to the SAPSASA Knockout Basketball team who are moving on to the second statewide round in week 8 of this term. Great job team and Mr Horton. Good luck to our Knockout Soccer team playing today.
Last week Melinda James received notification that she has been successful in obtaining her Lead Teacher status. This is truly a fantastic achievement! Melinda joins 31 Lead teachers across 103 Catholic Schools in SA who are certified through a national process which ensures consistency, rigour and quality, certifying teachers against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
On Tuesday we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption with a whole school mass. The Assumption signals the end of Mary’s earthly life and marks her return to heaven to be reunited with Jesus. Fr Mwaura spoke to the students about Mary our Mother in Heaven who loves us very much and that when we pray the Rosary we can remember that she is always with us.
Preparations are well underway for this year’s Grandparents Day. This year the theme of our performance is “Back to the Future” Many thanks to Marissa Ritorto from Flava Dance Studios for assisting with choreography and to Ari Torresan who have already started work preparing costumes. If you can help in anyway, please let your child’s class teacher know. This year we will also return to hosting lunch. We have a number of people who have volunteered to help already, but many hands make light work so if you would like to assist, please let Cate or Lisa know in the front office.
Next week marks Catholic Education Open Week with the theme Everyone’s Welcome at a Catholic School. Congratulations to Summer and Jason who are the faces of Nativity for 2023 in this campaign. I know from the tours I host that our community regularly recommends our school to their networks. If you know families that are looking to enrol in 2024 or beyond, please encourage them to join our Open Week Tour on Wednesday 23 August.
On Friday 25th August the Campus Book Week Parade will be hosted in the Gym. 3-6 classes 9.00-9.30 and R-2 classes 9.30-10.00. This year the theme is Read, Grow, Inspire. We look forward to seeing you there.
Finally, just a reminder that we have a Pupil Free Day on Monday 4th September. Our staff will be working with Paul Swann, Numeracy consultant in regard to the language of maths, differentiating maths tasks and assessments.
God Bless,