Dear Nativity Community,
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
We would like to congratulate our Year 1 students and their teachers for their results in the Phonics Screening Check. Every year students in Year 1 in Catholic Schools and Department for Education Schools take part in the Phonics Screening Check. The assessment provides details about how students are developing the phonic knowledge which is needed to be successful as readers, writers, and spellers. This is one assessment that is carried out giving teachers more information about students and their progress.
We are extremely pleased to share that 68.2% of our students achieved above the expected achievement score 28/40. We had 5 students achieving 100% and 5 students receiving over 94%. Our results were above other schools in our region (66.5%) and Catholic Schools (62.4%) . Again, congratulations to our Year 1 students and the teachers.
Transition to School
Our Nativity Stars program has welcomed some new students this term. Every Friday morning, our transition students are engaged in many learning experiences that support them with their transition to school. This term Lucinda King is running this program.
Over the last week, Lucinda has also visited the Kindergartens/Learning centres where our Nativity Stars children are enrolled. This is one of the many ways that we support students to have a smooth transition to school. We thank Lucinda for her work in welcoming our new students to Nativity.
Year 5/6 Camp
Last week our Year 5/6 students headed to Yankalilla to the Dzintari Latvian Campsite. I visited the students on Wednesday and had the opportunity to observe the students engaging in a variety of team building skills. Building rafts at Normanville Beach was challenging with the rain, wind and cooler temperature, however our students did an amazing job of using their talents with boat building and team skills. Thank you to the parents and teachers for attending the camp and supporting the students.
“Camp was great, I got lots of sleep because my dorm was realty quiet. I enjoyed going kayaking. The 5km walk was great.”. Kai
“I liked rafting, we can first in both races.” Lucas
“I enjoyed snorkelling I saw a big star fish and a few fish. It was a great experience.” Anthony
“We went to Second Valley Beach to go snorkelling. I enjoyed seeing the starfish and the small fish swimming.” Brooke
“I thought the camp was great. I loved t he nighttime activities, especially the talent show and the Quiz.” Annabelle
Support for families
Siblings Australia is an organisation that supports siblings of children with a disability and their families. Please see attached document for more information.
“Imagine with all your mind. Believe with all your heart. Achieve with all your might.”
Kind regards
Melinda James