Dear Nativity Community
PAT assessment
As a school, we use a number of assessments to determine achievement and growth from year to year. One of these is our PAT testing. PAT – which stands for Progressive Achievement Tests occur for all students in Reception-6 each year. They are similar in nature to NAPLAN testing (they are online and have a similar format) and are used widely across Australia and internationally.
Over the last two weeks, students have been completing tests in Reading and Maths (Reception-6) and Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation (Yr 3-6). These results will be analysed by our classroom teachers and leadership, both at an individual student and class and whole school level to keep track on development and identify areas for increased focus and attention. This data is also used to shape planning for 2024.
Kitchen Garden
Have you noticed the new garden beds that Derek has been installing and preparing for our Kitchen Garden? Our garden area is slowly growing with wicking beds, garden beds, fences being installed and preparation for water tanks and sheds under way. A huge thank you to Derek for his amazing work. Thank you to the parents who have conducted a stock take of our kitchen. Please let Erika or myself know if you are interested in helping with our Kitchen Garden
Nativity Stars transition for Reception 2024
Our Nativity Stars students have been attending school on Fridays in term 3 and 4. During this time they have learn about school and have made new friends. It has been wonderful watching these students grow and hear how excited they are to start school. This Friday our Nativity Star students will graduate from our transition program.
Transition for 2024
In preparation for next year, class teachers have spent a considerable amount of time discussing class placements. On Tuesday 12th December, we have our transition afternoon, where students meet with their 2024 class teacher. Teachers will also be sharing transition information on 14th December to the 2024 teachers.
At the beginning of the 2024 school year, class teachers will have Wellbeing meetings on Monday 29th January 2024. Information on this day and how to book in for meetings will be sent out shortly.
Coffee and conversation regarding secondary school
A reminder that families are warmly invited to join us on Monday 27th November from 8.25 am in the Nativity carpark for coffee and conversation with:
Dan Lynch (Principal Sacred Heart College)
Jarrad Mc Cabe (Deputy Principal Cabra College and Nativity old scholar)
This is an opportunity to talk with these school leaders and find out more information on Catholic School pathways, when to enrol for secondary school and the outstanding opportunities available for all students at Sacred Heart and Cabra. (Both schools accept enrolment at year 4 for year7).
As the end of the year approaches, I would like to share these words with our community…
Kind regards
Melinda James