Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School,
I hope you have had sometime to relax and rejuvenate over the summer break.
A very warm welcome to our new and returning families for 2024 and especially our Reception students starting school for the first time. This is such a special moment in your life, and we are looking forward to you being a part of our Nativity community and getting to know all about you.
There is a great sense of anticipation and excitement as the school year begins and we look towards all the wonderful learning opportunities we will have together.
Our dedicated team of educators have been working diligently to prepare engaging and meaningful learning that caters for the diverse needs of all our students and this week they are engaging in a variety of learning experiences themselves. Yesterday we spent the day with two other Catholic schools and Lee Crocket (author and creator of the Global Professional Learning Network for Educators). The day was about Future Focused Learning with the goal of enhancing instructional practice and learner outcomes throughout 2024 and on Wednesday we will be learning about the updates to the Made In the Image of God curriculum with staff from the Catholic Education Office.
Our staff know the importance of a strong partnership between home and school, and I encourage you to actively engage with your child’s teacher during the school year so that together we can provide the support and guidance for each child to thrive in their 2024 learning journey. Your first opportunity to do this will be at our student wellbeing meetings on Monday 29th January. If you have not yet booked a meeting and would like to do so, please send a message via Seesaw to your child’s teacher directly and they will advise you of times they still have available. Hopefully, you have also enjoyed the opportunity to connect with staff through their Seesaw welcome videos. Please also save the date for the Parent Information Evening and School AGM Tuesday 6th Feb (more information to follow).
Another way to support your child’s learning journey is to ensure that they have a high attendance rate so that they can build routines, be organised and engaged in learning and to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Missing even two days in a month can significantly impact both social and learning progress- good attendance habits are critical to success!
Our Year 6 student leaders have chosen our spiritual theme for the year: Changing hearts to care for our world. Aria R (with some help from Kristy, Graphic Designer) has designed the logo which is on the Year 6 Jumpers and the email signature of all staff to remind us of the theme throughout the year. We look forward to making this theme come alive in our community with the initiation of the Kitchen Garden Program and our learning about the importance of ecology in Religious Education and Science.
Over the term break new cold water drinking fountains have been installed on the Bartram Building by Choice Plumbing. There are also two new sets of soccer goals for students to use on the Nativity oval. The Wicking beds in front of the PAC are ready for students to begin planting and the year 5/6 teachers have ordered some new furniture for the breakout space in the MacKillop building.
If you are able, please join us on Tuesday morning after you have settled your children into class for coffee in the St Joseph’s kitchen and on Thursday 1st February at 9.15 am for our whole school Welcome Mass.
On behalf of the staff, we look forward to seeing you on Monday 29th January for student Wellbeing meetings and for the first day of school on Tuesday 30th January.
God Bless,