From the APRIM / Student Wellbeing
Dear Families,
Welcome back to the new school year. I’m excited to be leading the school with relevant, meaningful Religious Education and events for our School Community.
Last week we held a Welcoming Mass for our School. It was a lovely celebration and a fantastic way to welcome new students, teachers and families into our community.
During Week 3, on Shrove Tuesday, our school will be hosting the Caritas Project Compassion Travelling Candle Liturgy. Archbishop Patrick O’Reegan, Neil McGoran – Executive Director, Catholic Education South Australia and six participating schools will be in attendance. Our 5/6 students will be in attendance, with Tilly, Jack, Aria and Brooke representing Nativity in an official compacity. Parents are invited to attend, with the Liturgy commencing at 10am in the Church.
Ash Wednesday focuses the Christian’s heart on repentance and prayer. Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time of preparation for Easter marked by repentance, fasting, reflection, and ultimately celebration. There will be a Whole School Mass hosted by 3/4BD on Ash Wednesday, 14th February 2024 at 12pm in the Church. We invite all families to attend this holy day of obligation.
Please also keep in mind the following dates for your diaries.
St Joseph’s Day – The SLT’s will be working on a celebration for this day
Holy Week Presentations
R-2 – Palm Sunday, Monday 25th March, 9.15am
3/4 – Washing of the Feet, The Last Supper and The Garden of Gethsemane Presentations. Tuesday 26th March at 2.30pm
5/6 – Stations of the Cross – Wednesday 27th March at 9.15am
Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass 2024
We acknowledge that the end of the year is a busy and exhausting time, therefore we are trying to lessen the amount of late nights for students and families. We will be holding the Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass on Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am. This will give the Year 6 students time to leave and prepare for their Graduation Celebration’s that evening. We understand this has changed from previous years and we will be asking for feedback at the end of the year, after trialling this Mass time from all community members R-6. We are also looking forward to the Year 6’s participating in Carol’s Night this year, the date is to be advised.
Student Wellbeing
This week teachers have been working with their classes to vote on the Student Leadership Team (SLT for Term/Semester 1. I will be holding a meeting with the SLT’s early next week to discuss a range of initiatives moving forward, with a special focus being on St Joseph’s Day on the 19th March. Student Voice will play a large role in the SLT’s this year and I’m thrilled to be able to help support students to build their confidence with student voice.
This year also sees a return of Kyra our school counsellor on a Thursday and Lachie our school Mentor on a Thursday afternoon. I will be doing regular check ins with a number of students and be running programs such as “What’s the Buzz” and “Peaceful Kids” throughout the year. If you have any concerns about your children’s wellbeing, in the first instance please contact their teacher.
Grace and peace,
Rachel Baulderstone