From the APL&T
Dear Nativity Community
There continues to be many different learning experiences taking place across our school. Looking around the school you see learning that links to our school wide pedagogy of
“Nurturing and Empowering Students to Thrive.”
Through various learning opportunities our students are engaged, challenged, curious and creative as they carry out their work.
Through our Future Focused Learning, staff and students have been ENGAGED by unpacking the Achievement Standards in Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum and learning what students need to learn. This work is an excellent example of our School wide Pedagogy in operation. By making CONNECTIONS with the achievement standard and what means for learners, students have co-constructed learning intentions and the success criteria. In year 5/6HR, students have approached their learning with excitement, motivation and displayed a high level of engagement as they have student agency in selecting the way in which they will represent their learning. Students have demonstrated CREATIVE ways that they can represent their learning about the Earth’s surface. We look forward to seeing the ways that students represent their learning.
Classes have been preparing for Holy Week and what it means to us. Over the next week we look forward to the presentations from the classes as they share various events of Holy Week with the school community. These presentations have enabled students to ENGAGE and BE CREATIVE in their learning about Holy Week.
Our Year 3 and 5 students completed NAPLAN and approached the assessments with confidence. Information regarding the results of NAPLAN for 2023, will be shared with families during Term 2. NAPLAN results are reported to parents with the introduction of proficiency standards – exceeding; strong; developing; and needs additional support. The Proficiency strands set a higher level of achievement than the previous National Minimum Standard.
Through CONNECTIONS our students make with their peers they learn more about our community and cultural backgrounds. In Catholic schools, English as an Additional Language (EALD) learners come from diverse multi-lingual and cultural backgrounds. In 2023, approximately 14% of all students in Catholic Schools identified as learners of EALD. EALD learners are those whose first or home language(s) is a language or dialect other than that of Standard Australian English. We value all students at Nativity and know that our students bring a wide range of life experiences and cultural and linguistic assets that significantly enrich the life of the school and enhance learning for all students.
Harmony week is a celebration of diversity and inclusiveness in Australia and is recognised from March 28-24 across our nation. It is a time to celebrate Australian Multiculturalism and the many people who make up our community. Have you seen all the languages displayed on the front door to the office. These are the languages that are spoken in our school.
We encourage our students to be CURIOUS and to CONNECT with people around them. By raising awareness of Autism we aim promote acceptance, celebrate the differences, and be more inclusive towards people with autism around us. While these things are important all year round, April is an opportunity to further spread the message of acceptance and understanding of people diagnosed with Autism. More than 205,000 Australians are diagnosed with autism and 1 in 4 Australians have a family member on the autism spectrum.
Autism SA What Is Autism flyer
At Nativity, we are blessed to have so many wonderful individuals who help make our school the place it is. I would like to leave you with this thought…
“Diversity and inclusion are about giving value to every human being no matter our differences.” Anon
Kind regards
Melinda James