What’s happening in 1/2W
In Hass, 1/2W have been looking at why places are special. We have considered the links that we have overseas and at home. They have identified the places they have been on holiday in Australia and connected happy memories of a place to it becoming special. The students belong to many sport teams, dance and gymnastics clubs within the community. We have also explored that places are culturally significant and connect many people. We looked at places that hold special significance to First Nations people and the responsibility that we all have to look after them.
Linking in with HASS, in Religious Education we have been considering the importance of looking after the environment. The class has been collecting rubbish from around the school and made posters to encourage others to be more mindful of their littering. We made art from natural materials and celebrated the amazing creations made from the fallen leaves and foliage we found in the playground.