Year 3/4 Civics & Citizenship – Erin Thompson MP Visit
The Year 3/4 classes have been exploring the role of local government within their civics and citizenship unit of work in HASS this Term. Students have been learning about what it means to have a voice in a democracy. The students acted on having a voice by creating letters about what they would like improved in their local community. Students worked in groups to construct their letters on something they were passionate about.
We were very lucky today to have Erin Thompson MP come and visit us today to receive the student letters and hear a couple of them read out in person. We then had the opportunity to ask Erin Thompson questions about her important job in our community.
Please read two examples of our letters below:-
Dear Ms Erin Thompson MP,
Our names are Callum and Thomas, and we are Year 3 /4’s at school of the Nativity.
We have been learning about Civics and Citizenship and specifically Governments.
We would like to propose to you, our idea of upgrading more Aberfoyle Park playgrounds to wheelchair friendly. I’ve been walking around near playgrounds and they don’t have ramps to allow kids in wheelchairs to access the playground. We would like more disability playgrounds being added to our community.
Thank you for your time.
From Callum and Thomas
School of the Nativity