Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School
A warm welcome to our new students; Emmisen, Georgia, Frankie, Emil and Edie. We look forward to getting to know you and having you in our school community.
Last Friday staff along with Fr Mwaura, Deacon Tee Ping and our Pastoral Associate, Bianca participated in a prayer and reflection day with the theme Come Away and Rest a while – noticing God’s presence through different ways to pray. We had time to reflect on the Gospel of Mark (6: 30-31) where Jesus took a boat across the lake to pray and be in contact with what was deepest in him in order to be able to be truly present and to return whole. It was an excellent opportunity for staff to still their minds, calm their hearts and return fresh to all life and work has in store for us.
Our Student Leadership Team made Pumpkin and Carrot and Sweet Potato soup for the Moore St Soup Kitchen and Year 6 students Sadie, Marley, Saelah and Charlie along with Rachel Baulderstone (APRIM) delivered this to the city. The students also chatted with two of the volunteers to find out more about how homeless people are supported in Adelaide.
Teachers are now finalising Semester 1 Reports, and these will be sent home during week 10. They are also recording student learning adjustments on the SEQTA learning management system in preparation for The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Students with Disability. The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year and encourages schools to review their learning and support systems and processes. This helps schools to continually improve education outcomes for all students. If you would like more information on this collection of data, you can follow this link. nccd_parent_fact_sheet_english_0.pdf or contact Melinda James, Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning if you have any questions.
Nativity School has been advised that HON Matt Keogh MP has approved a grant of $5,000 under the Saluting Their Service (STS) Program to the School of the Nativity School Board. This grant is to restore the Campus memorial garden (as you drive in from Campus Drive) to commemorate locals who served in the First World War. We look forward to seeing the space restored for the 80th anniversary of World War 1 in 2025. A huge thanks to Sian Halliday Wynes who wrote the grant submission.
Next week on Monday our Knockout Boys Soccer Team will be playing at West Beach. Thanks to Sian Halliday Wynes and Heidi May for coaching the team and Shelley Torresan, Rachel Martinson and Jarrad Crowe for assisting us to transport the students to the games. Good Luck team!
A reminder that Tuesday 18th June is our annual School Photo Day. Please ensure that your child/ren are wearing their formal winter uniform for this day and check your inbox for an email from MSP Photography on how to order your photos.
On Wednesday the 19th June we are hosting a Cyber safety evening with Cyber safe Families for students in years 3-6. This is a great opportunity for parents to learn with and begin conversations with their children around keeping themselves safe on line. We will also be having a sausage sizzle on the night so please return your forms if you haven’t yet done so by this Friday 14th June. We look forward to seeing you there.
Finally, assembly this week is hosted by 1/ 2 D, please join us if you can.
God Bless