What’s happening in Kitchen Garden

Wow, what a busy term we have had in Kitchen Garden.

Students have been exploring our garden and planting different herbs and plants that are in season for Autumn and Winter. We have planted Asian Greens, Beans, Spring Onions, and Beetroot in our Garden Beds down by the PAC.

There have also been Mushrooms, Beetroot, Silverbeet and Lemongrass planted inside the Kitchen Garden room, and when they have grown into seedlings, they will be planted outside in our Garden Beds.

Students have really enjoyed being in the Kitchen and cooking up a storm. This term we have cooked Spring Onion Pancakes, Spinach and Ricotta Fritters and Carrot muffins with garlic butter. In week 10, we will be cooking Chinese greens stir fried with soy sauce and ginger. We picked the carrots, parsley, and Asian greens from our garden to use in our cooking for this term.

The recipes have been sent home via seesaw if you would like to try these recipes at home.